A Warrior can attach itself onto any surface, even penetrate the wall of a space shuttle. "Johnnie" "Greg" "Carmencita"Ī Warrior is spread/split out from a huge mass of Arachnids, which can travel in outer space. Instead of wave tactics, they fight as a team, much similar to the Mobile Infantry in the novel.

Unlike their counterparts in other media/universe, the Warrior in the 1988 anime Starship Troopers are bipedal polyp-like creatures possessing tentacles, able to cut metal plates, and integrated biological weapons capable firing beam or globules of a sticky explosive compound at high muzzle velocity. "Warriors" are the infantry of the Alien forces. The Warrior as seen in the 1988 anime Starship Troopers. They are also not described as being nearly as savage as their movie counterparts. It should also be noted that they are likely neither insects nor real arachnids genetically according to the description by Juan Rico as "a madman's depiction of a spider", and referred to as Pseudo-Arachnids. However, they are smart enough to know when the enemy has surrendered and take them prisoner. They apparently fight purely on instinct, and are biologically incapable of surrendering or retreating.

However, they wear no armor and rely solely on wave tactics to overwhelm enemies, serving as little more than cannon fodder. Pseudo-Arachnid Warriors are said to be as intelligent as a human and use deadly directed-energy weapons.