Fil-Trek specializes in the design, manufacture, and service of industrial filtration for the global marketplace. , Waterloo, WI 53594 Serial Numbers: 1168276 Trademark Alertz Search Search Australian Trademarks. The numbers may be the sequential frame number, beginning at 0001. The serial number is on the frame of the bicycle under the bottom bracket. " Taken from: Vintage Trek Bicycle Frame Serial Numbers Serial number lookup and list of affected serial numbers - EXCel format Notice and model chart. gov and include your serial number, the document you are 1. Compare your model number to the ones below. Thanks for any help! Happy New Year!!! :beer: Angels Fan, Dec 31, 2009. It’s quite easy to use a serial number lookup website.

Shop prepaid cell phones, Pay As You Go Airtime options, No Contract Monthly Plans and More! Star Trek: The Original Series: Created by Gene Roddenberry. com For some entries, only a two- digit number was given. Modern Trek serial numbers can be interpreted to give you some key information about the bike however I do not know of a database where you can input the serial number to receive information. It takes a little bit of research on your part, but I show you where to go, and what to look So a serial number of WTU060QU0110R would represent a 2021 model year bike that was the 110th bike made in the "QU" factory on the 60th day of the year.